2023 - SCULPTURE - gluten-free flour, yeast, heat
Sculptures developed as part of exhibition the simple life, the still.))

Extract of the exhibition text by Nilz Källgren:

The realisation of the self, or self-realisation, has no end–an infinite project; a form of self protection or an indifferent self projection? In the late- stage of post-history, the self itself has become a subject of mass-fetishisation – the primary cultural object of commodification. An era of psychopolitical atomisation. Content creators and influencers form the new proletariat. Resistance within a market operating on attention capital is inherently invisible, and attempts to withdraw from contemporary society and its culture of self-realisation as an endless extroverted project, have masochistic repercussions. Longings for an “escape from society” are instead fed back to us as easily digestible forms of entertainment such as reality TV and arena-pop – the consumption of which can only be considered relapse, leaving a yearning for more – of both evasion of stimuli, and stimuli itself. Building complete and warm survival shelter | Bushcraft earth hut, grass roof & fireplace with clay has 223 million views on youtube. the simple life, the still.)) is at once dissolved and multiplied through the gallery’s concurrent presentations. Through the act of addition, skins peel off towards a feverish dream, situated somewhere between a collective becoming and complete alienation.

Photographs are a courtesy of suprainfinit gallery.